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business productivity

Toll-free number service providers address the massive demand of a large number of business organisations that want to improve business productivity and streamline their client communication process. The toll-free business contact number allows customers to call the company free of cost. The Indian Toll-Free number is available with the prefix 1800 in the format 1800-ABC-DEFG.

Getting the free contact number from a reliable Toll-free number provider has many advantages, and it helps a company get more customers and improve overall efficiency. Let’s discuss how the software boosts business productivity and maximises profitability.

Creating Omnipresence: Being available for the customers 24×7 provides better CX. With the Indian Toll-free contact number, a business ensures connectivity with its customers even beyond business hours. Moreover, with IVR Integration, a company can efficiently address customers’ queries. With multi-level IVR menus, customers can quickly get answers to their queries. It helps to increase business productivity as sales soar due to better customer engagement.

Getting More Leads: Customers-existing and prospective can call a business with zero costs. It is a major motivating factor for people to call on the Toll-free contact number. They might be hesitant in calling a company in which the standard call charges apply. For example, if they need to choose between companies that sell the same products at nearly the same prices, they are likely to call a business that has published the Toll-free number. The Indian toll-free number will encourage more and more prospective customers to call the company. In this way, the sales team can get more leads, and they can improve the business productivity by identifying the quality leads and converting them into customers.

Create Brand Recall Value:  The Toll-free business number is easy to memorise, and it is highly convenient for the customers to call the company quickly. Instead of searching the contact number at different places- Search Engines, Website, or the Warranty cards, they can easily recall the number and connect with the business. Moreover, a company can use the Toll-free contact number across different marketing campaigns to communicate with its customers. It strengthens the brand value as people get familiar with the brand. With more calls, a business can improve its sales, achieve a higher productivity rate, and increase profitability.

High Customer Satisfaction: High Customer Satisfaction is the key to the success of any organisation that helps in boosting productivity. The Indian Toll-free number is free for the callers, allowing businesses to provide an enhanced customer experience and high customer satisfaction. In addition, with the call routing capability, a company can ensure faster connectivity with the agents. So, the solution helps create a seamless client communication system, thereby improving customer engagement and retention. More customers added to the customer base ensures business continuity, growth, and success. So, a business should contact a Toll-free number service provider and get the solution immediately.

Tap new Markets: The solution helps a company explore new markets and generate business in new locations. A company can expand its business by investing in premium toll-free numbers. Without any heavy investment in complex infrastructure, a company can establish a business in new markets. It can identify a new potential customer base and connect with prospective clients. The solution helps to improve the sales numbers and drives more revenue for the business. With the call recording feature, companies can understand the expectations of their customers and provide goods and services that match their demands.

Track Marketing Campaigns: Toll-free contact numbers play a huge role in making the marketing campaigns successful. The software enables tracking marketing campaigns and gauges their effectiveness. A company can gather valuable customer feedback via surveys. It can instantly know whether it is on the right track and ensure that the marketing activities are optimised to attract more and more customers.


If you are looking forward to buying the Indian Toll-free number, choosing a reliable cloud communication service provider is advisable. You can be assured of high-quality service and get the solution at competitive prices.

Knowlarity is a leading cloud telephony company and one of India’s most trusted Toll-free number service providers. The company has won the trust of more than 6000 organisations that are using its various cloud-based solutions to improve their overall operational efficiency and streamline the client communication process. For more information, feel free to visit

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