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Your smile is your confidence. But there are many people around who aren’t comfortable ‘saying cheese’ in front of the camera. Who might have a very good sense of humour, but you would hardly find them laughing their hearts out at your jokes. Suppose you are wondering why, the reason lies within the mouth. The culprit is stained teeth. However, wherever there is a problem, there is a solution too. And in this case, the resolve is teeth whitening.

All You Need to Know about Teeth Whitening

A lot of people have a lot of questions around teeth whitening. Who can do it, how to do it, how long does it stay, is it safe or not, whether it could be done at home, etc. In this blog, we would try to answer all those queries as much as possible. However, we always advise taking professional consultation on top of everything. For any doubts, it is best to visit a teeth whitening dentist in Canberra.

What is Teeth Whitening?

It is a procedure performed on your teeth to get rid of the discolouration. Dental professionals generally do it by bleaching your teeth. The fact to know here is, even this professional procedure might not be able to change the colour of your teeth to brilliant white. Teeth whitening results depend much on the present shade of your teeth. However, your dentist will surely make a few shades lighter.

Is Teeth Discolouration a Disease?

Teeth discolouration is a natural phenomenon that might affect anyone. There are various factors that generally play a key role causing teeth stains:

  • Food habits, especially coffee, tea, wine
  • Tobacco consumption
  • Oral trauma
  • Medications like antibiotics, antihistamines, blood pressure tablets among others
  • Growing age

Can Tooth Stains Go Away on Their Own?

Unfortunately, the answer is no. Once you get the yellowish marks or any sort of stains on your teeth, they become your lifetime companion. Even the regular brushing and flossing don’t help much. If you want to go stain-free, the only way remains is teeth whitening.

Are DIY Teeth Whitening Kits Risky?

You will hear a lot about about the teeth whitening home remedies, and why not? There are so many blog posts about them. These natural remedies at home are mostly unsuccessful at giving you your desired result, so why waste your time and energy after all that? Next, coming to the teeth whitening kits that are available in the market and claim to whiten your teeth at a cheaper rate than the clinics’. However, these DIY kits contain hydrogen peroxide and bicarbonate, which can end up damaging your teeth if not used appropriately. They can also cause teeth sensations, oral blisters, precisely might worsen your teeth conditions. These kits also come with a mouthguard of a generic size that might not also fit you.

Also, avoid the tooth whitening services provided at salons are equally risky. Remember, teeth whitenings are to be executed only by registered health care professionals under proper supervision.

Benefits of Clinical Teeth Whitening

If you are considering teeth whitening, then it’s high time you book an appointment with a teeth whitening dentist in Canberra. And quite naturally, there are numerous benefits of getting your teeth whitening done from a professional.

  1. A dentist will always offer you the best diagnosis
  2. What sort of discolouration you have is only to be determined by a dentist
  3. A professional would be assisting you in deciding whether teeth whitening would be a good idea for you
  4. Only a dentist can help you achieve evenly whitened teeth in a healthy manner
  5. Your teeth whitening procedures will be done using high-quality equipment that is adequately sanitised
  6. Your teeth whitening procedures will be done under the supervisions of registered dental professionals
  7. You will be getting your desired results without the side effects
  8. The dental professionals are also authorised to use laser light to speed up the teeth whitening process
  9. Your teeth shade is reduced in lesser time

Can I go for Teeth Whitening?

Of course, you can. But when you are visiting one of the best dental clinics, they will encourage you to go through an oral examination. Prior to the in-chair treatment, a definite oral exam and cleaning help the dentist to have a better understanding of your oral condition. The cleaning helps in washing away any remaining food particles or teeth plaque so that you can be prepared for the teeth whitening procedure perfectly.

Teeth Whitening is an Amazing Confidence Booster!

More than any medical reasons, teeth whitening procedures are performed to gain more self-confidence. It’s not only popular among the pub figures, but a lot of professionals from various fields are considering teeth whitening to build better social connections.

Go ahead, smile, please!

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