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We all have a family and we love to be with them, but sometimes we fail to continue our relationship. so today I am going to tell you some important tips to make your relationship strong.

1. Listen to your partner

It is very frustrating to have the impression that your spouse is not paying attention to you.

When you interrupt him or make assumptions about what he is thinking, you are preventing him from speaking.

Even if you are sure you know where your partner is coming from or what they are going to say, you could be wrong and your partner will think all the time that you are not listening to them.

You have the chance to show your spouse that you are paying attention by using some active listening techniques.

When your partner talks to you, try to paraphrase what they are saying. It is an attitude that can prevent misunderstandings beforehand.

You can also check perception while interpreting your spouse’s reactions correctly.

These strategies help avoid misunderstandings and show your partner that you care about what they are saying and care about what they are saying.

2. Be patient

It is true that it is difficult to remember it in the heat of the moment. But stopping to take a few deep breaths, and deciding to take a break during an argument is necessary.

You can then resume the discussion when the tensions are not so great. Sometimes this can be the best way to deal with the crisis situation immediately.

If you argue over household chores, that’s okay. Take your breath away during the argument and you’ll realize that you are yelling at each other for nothing.

3. Always Accept the partner response

Once you’ve shared your feelings about what someone’s actions mean to you, accept their responses.

If she tells you that the meaning of her action is not what you received, take that at face value.

Once you’ve both had a chance to share your point of view, mutually agree to let go.

Ideally, your discussion will end in a mutually satisfactory manner. If not, you can choose to come back to it later.

When you make this decision, ask yourself how important it is to you.

If you make the decision to leave it in the past, do your best to do so, rather than putting it back on the mat in future conflicts.

4. Accept your partner’s past

If you find yourself in the middle of a conflict, try to remember that the other person comes into the situation with a past and a set of experiences that are totally different from yours.

You haven’t been that person, and while it can be helpful to try and put yourself in their shoes, your partner is the only person who can really explain where they’re from.

If you see a therapist to learn to accept the other’s past, the latter will most likely do a mapping of a couple’s argument in one of the sessions.

This will help you see more clearly in your life together.

5. Choose your dispute topics

If you want to have constructive discussions, you should choose only one topic at a time. Sad couples are likely to lead to a lot of topics in a single discussion.

This refers to the old expression “everything but the kitchen sink”, which implies that everything possible has been included.

When you want to solve personal concerns, this is by no means the strategy to adopt. Imagine that you wanted to think about how to incorporate more exercise into your daily routine.

You probably wouldn’t decide that this would also be a good time to think about how to save more for retirement, organize your closet, and figure out how to handle an embarrassing situation at work.

You would try to solve these problems one by one. This might seem obvious, however, in some situations, an argument can turn into a session of teasing and complaining.

The more you complain, the less likely the problems are to be resolved.

6. Don’t automatically oppose complaints

When you are criticized, it’s not easy not to get defensive. But this type of reaction does not solve the problems by any means.

Imagine a couple arguing because the wife wants her husband to do more housework.

When she suggests that he do a quick cleanup after he’s prepared to leave in the morning, he says, “Yes, that would help, but I really don’t have time in the morning”.

When she suggests that he set aside time for the weekends, he replies, “Yes, that could be a way to schedule it, but we usually have weekend projects, and I have work to catch up on, so it will not work”.

This “yes but” behavior suggests that his ideas and opinions are not valid. It is essential to listen to your partner and to think carefully about what your partner is telling you.

7. Lower your expectations

This doesn’t mean that your expectations should be low, but that you should keep in mind that your expectations may be different.

The best way to clarify this point is to ask yourself what are the expectations of another in a scenario. Again, don’t automatically assume that you come into the situation with the same expectations.

Always take initiative for something and if possible share quotes, relationship shayari. And never it could be your partner expect it from you.

But what if you’re in the thick of it and you don’t seem to be doing anything other than polarizing each other?

Sometimes anticipating the other can generate secrecy. And the secrets of couples, you know very well, it is not pleasant!

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