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How much do you know about Joe Biden: His Biography and Net Worth?

You don’t become the 47th U.S. vice president and not have a story of your own, right? Meet, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., or more popularly known as Joe Biden, who…

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Bernie Sanders and All That You Need to Know About Him

The democrats in the USA have time and again put forward some of the most influential and radiant personalities when it has come to the presidential campaign, and one of…

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PS5 – Sony’s New Offering in Consoles And What You Need To Know About It

The audio-visual world has always received a lot more than just games from the PlayStation. Starting from 4k streaming and Blu-rays to DVD playback, you have experienced it all and…

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How are the Millennials and Gen Z different from each other?

Millennials and Generation Z or Gen Z are terms that are thrown around in daily conversations. However, do you really understand the difference? Who are the millennials and who are…

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Everything You Need To Know About Tiktok Vs Youtube Battle

TikTok vs YouTube is the latest war on the internet in which the users of each platform are roasting those of other platforms. Now, you must be having various questions…

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What you need to know about COVID-19: Identifying Symptoms and Busting Myths

The entire world has been struck by a crisis, something which was unforeseen, something which is new and something which nobody knows yet how to deal with. Yes, we are…

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